SounDirective Waveform Psytrance Evolution Vol.1 WAV Waveform delivers a carefully crafted assembly of his unique ID sounds with his first personal sample pack ! A wide ..
Singomakers Astral Psytrance 3 [MULTIFORMAT] Singomakers are very proud to present volume 3 of their super successful series Astral Psytrance! Both volumes 1 and 2 received ..
Singomakers Psytrance Ultra Pack 2 [MULTIFORMAT] After the highly popular «Psytrance Ultra Pack» Singomakers are back with a brand new amazing Psytrance Ultra ..
Zenhiser Atom – Psytrance WAV Zenhiser returns with an spellbinding expedition into the full on Psytrance realm. ‘Atom – Psytrance’ dives so deep ..
Singomakers Psytrance Ultra Pack WAV ‘Psytrance Ultra Pack’ by Singomakers brings you everything you need for Psytrance music production, featuring powerful ..
Loopmasters Psytrance Intelligence Vol.2 MULTiFORMAT ‘Psytrance Intelligence 2’ is a searing rush of psychedelic sounds to trip into the night and entrance ..
Function Loops Psytrance Legion Premium Collection WAV MIDI Psytrance Legion, your secret division of production weapons! Featuring a squadron of sounds shaped after ..
Function Loops Mainstage Psytrance WAV MIDI ‘Mainstage Psytrance’ offers a collection of melodic progressive psytrance sounds, inspired by the top 10 Psytrance ..
Ghosthack Psytrance Visions Volume 2 WAV Easy to Use Yet So Versatile – Roughly 1 GB of Samples for Psytrance Productions We are proud to welcome back the #1 Beatport ..
VANDETA Sample Pack Vol.3 Psytrance Madness VANDETA Psytrance Sample Pack VOL.3 – Psytrance Madness – Contains: 16 Melodies & Synths Loops 14 Bass ..