Download How to Video Tutorials Music Production Training Courses
Mastering Your Drums In Studio One [TUTORIAL] Learn how to use the Drums in Studio One to improve your Music Productions What you’ll learn: Learn How to Record, ..
789ten The Skytech Producer Pack V.2 [TUTORIAL] So many of you asked for a sequel, so we made it happen. This one-of-a-kind collectible from Skytech combines elements ..
Seedj Mixing & Mastering By JoeFarr [TUTORIAL] A masterclass that deepens the world of mixing and mastering and where Joe Farr, after starting from practical ..
The Complete Guitar Chord Masterclass Advanced Chords [TUTORIAL] Advanced Chord tools to further develop your own unique playing style What you’ll learn: Advanced ..
Groove3 Phase Plant Explained [TUTORIAL] Join synth expert Larry Holcombe for a complete guide to Kilohearts’ award-winning semi-modular virtual synth, Phase ..
Groove3 Calibrating Your Studio Monitors Explained [TUTORIAL] Though we can do our best with acoustic treatment, even the most expensive speakers and best rooms ..
Modern Piano House Production Course [TUTORIAL] In this course, I’m teaching how to make house, and more specifically: Piano Music Production. What you’ll ..
Aulart Beatmaking & Sampling for Hip-Hop with The Alchemist [TUTORIAL] The Alchemist producer Masterclass Beatmaking & Sampling for Hip-Hop Learn how to make ..
MyMixLab Saturn 2 Mastering [TUTORIAL] 3x Grammy Mixing & Mastering Legend Luca Pretolesi shares his highly sought after multiband mastering techniques with ..
Deep House Production Course House Is A Feeling [TUTORIAL] Create a release-ready track. Demystifying Deep House production. What you’ll learn: Learn how to produce ..