Immersive Sound Production A Practical Guide PDF Immersive Sound Production is a handbook for the successful implementation of immersive sound for live sports and entertainment. ..
Cutting Edge Collection Vol.1 WAV MIDI PDF ADG Cutting Edge Collection vol, provides you with the essential basics to create a tune from the ground up. Including ..
Graphic Music Analysis: An Introduction to Schenkerian Theory & Practice PDF Graphic Music Analysis presents Schenkerian analysis in a practical and engaging ..
Mike Stern Altered Scale Soloing for Jazz Guitar Soloing PDF MP3 Master Powerful Altered Scale Guitar Soloing With Mike Stern There has never been a jazz guitar ..
Joseph Alexander Voice Leading Jazz Guitar PDF Voice Leading Jazz Guitar teaches you the most important principles of voice leading, substitution, secondary dominant ..
Thinking In & About Music: Analytical Reflections on Milton Babbitt’s Music & Thought PDF Milton Babbitt (1916-2011) was, at once, one of the century’s ..
Best of Piano Classics 2: 40 Arrangements of Famous Classical Masterpieces PDF Following the success of the first volume of Best of Piano Classics (ED 9060), Schott ..
The Music Professor Online The Music Professor Online is a practical volume that provides a window into online music instruction in higher education. Author Judith ..
The Art of Post-Tonal Analysis: Thirty-Three Graphic Music Analyses The Art of Post-Tonal Analysis consists of analyses of thirty-three musical passages or entire ..