The Science of Music: How Technology has Shaped the Evolution of an Artform PDF Music is shaped by the science of sound. How can music – an artform – ..
Logic Pro For Dummies 3 [PDF] This one-stop source for Logic Pro insight helps you spend more time creating music Every minute you spend trying to figure out how to set up a new track ..
Game Audio Fundamentals: An Introduction to the Theory, Planning, & Practice of Soundscape Creation for Games PDF Game Audio Fundamentals takes the reader on a journey ..
Bobby Owsinski The Mixing Engineers Handbook 5th Edition PDF Mixing music was once considered an unteachable art, until the release of the first edition of Bobby ..
Game Audio Mixing: Insights to Improve Your Mixing Performance PDF Game Audio Mixing offers a holistic view of the mixing process for games, from philosophical and psychological ..
Poetry in English & Metal Music: Adaptation & Appropriation Across Media PDF Many metal songs incorporate poetry into their lyrics using a broad array of techniques, ..
A Little History of Music PDF A lively, engaging guide to music around the world, from prehistory to the present Human beings have always made music. Music can move ..
Fretboard Secret Handbook PDF 10 minutes to memorize scale, note position on guitar by this private secret way Combines Intervals, Chords, Arpeggios, Modes and Practice ..
Visualizing Music (Musical Meaning & Interpretation) [PDF] To feel the emotional force of music, we experience it aurally. But how can we convey musical understanding ..
Computer Music presents Beginner’s Guide to Music Production (3rd Edition) [2023] If you are looking to get started in music production but aren’t sure where ..